This book combines three earlier short free Ebooks from the “Sermons For Pilgrims” series. It includes the text for the last sermon I gave before my ordination as a deacon. I wrote a new introduction to explain the symbol of seashells in Christian tradition. You can read the book free online or download a free copy at Smashwords.



222EB cover 250wThis is a collection of short one- and two-sentence prayers to act as thought starters for your prayer time. I think of them as seeds for your prayer garden! When I pray off the cuff, I tend to fall into a rut of the same old personal concerns. This is a way to help turn your thoughts and your intercessions in new directions. The pocket-sized paper edition is available by ordering from Lulu. An e-book version is available from Smashwords and other online bookstores. A sample from the book can be read at Smashwords.




Mark 4:30 He said, “How will we liken God’s Kingdom? Or with what parable will we illustrate it?”

Jesus used over 30 parables to teach about the Kingdom of Heaven. The images and symbols were colorful and memorable. Yet the disciples were often puzzled by them and asked Jesus to explain. I took a slow tour through the symbols and their themes. I got extra insights into the Kingdom of Heaven, where the parables talk about things that are familiar in every day life. Then there were the ones where it is quite different! Looking at them all together gave me insights into where we are now in the Kingdom and what is still to come.


Thirteen Co13C_COVER 150mmandments is a meditation on the Ten Commandments Moses brought down from Mt. Sinai and also of the two commands Jesus said they all came from. I also examine the “new commandment” he issued at the last supper. They all seem simple at first. They got more profound the longer I reflected on them.


cover_MOFWJS_250I got curious over how often Jesus would talk about the faith people had. Sometimes it was, “You have great faith!” or “You’re faith has healed you.” Other times it was more of a rebuke. “Where is your faith??” I wanted to figure out what Jesus could see that prompted those statements. The more I studied the stories from the Bible, the more I thought it was worth writing out in a book. I did the cover image of Jesus with a magnifying glass to suggest the “detective mystery” aspect of this investigation! This was the first book I recorded as an audiobook. You can listen for free here. Or order the e-book here, or the paperback here or the usual online retailers. And please leave a review at those web pages.

“If you are looking for a stash of good evidence about living a life
of faith, “detective” Hoover provides it in this book.  Rooted deeply
in Scripture, he connects it with his own thoughts and life
experiences, making a compelling case for faith. You will be helped
by what you read.”    – Dr. Steve Harper, Emeritus Professor of Spiritual
Formation and Wesley Studies, Asbury Theological Seminary,
Florida-Dunnam Campus, Orlando.

“In this clear, readable, and winsome book, Rick Hoover leads us on an engaging exploration of the central dynamic of our Christian walk: faith. Rick’s curiosity, perceptiveness, and humor mark a work that provides valuable pastoral insight. Readers of this book will gain both strength and wisdom on their spiritual journey.” – Dr. Rickey Cotton, Professor of English, Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida.


cover_opw250My first book is a collection of columns from my blog and public appearances. They include both short and longer meditations on spiritual and day to day topics, book reviews and some personal anecdotes. The title was a result of something I learned about the time I was gathering the material. The pelican was a popular symbol for Jesus Christ throughout the Middle Ages. In fact, a pelican image decorates the title page of the first edition of the King James Bible! I decided to make use of this symbolic figure to describe my own sense of being guided as I wrote my blog posts. This book has some of my favorites. Please leave a review when you order the e-book or paperback!


cover_ctw250Gary DeHaan was a personal friend. My wife, Melanie, grew up with his musical associate Kenny Frontz. When Gary died, I worked with Kenny to write this memoir of their years traveling and singing in churches all over North America. They met well-known ministers like Billy Graham and Andrae Crouch. But Gary preferred to take his own ministry to the smaller churches that would rarely have anyone coming to visit – and those stories were delightful and heart-warming. Kenny’s tribute to our friend Gary stirred lots of great memories. I was glad to be able to bring out a new e-book edition of our book to honor Gary’s memory again.



1 Response to RICK’S BOOKS

  1. Sudduth Cummings says:

    Fr. Hoover–just found your blog by way of your series of studies on Matthew in the BRF’s “Journey”. Since Matthew is my favorite Gospel and a focus of my study and teaching, I appreciate how you handled the text.

    Question: Do you happen to be related to a Fr. Hoover who was rector at one time at Grace Church, Muskogee, OK? I was the “Curate in charge” before he was called there.

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